2024 UNAC/UHCP State Officer and Board of Directors Nominees

Below is a list of the most recent UNAC/UHCP State Officer and Board of Directors nominees. These names will be updated weekly. If a recent nomination was made, please allow 72 business hours for the name to appear on this website. The names below might change due to eligibility requirements and member verifications. Some nominees can decline or be determined ineligible to run.

For all nominees:

Per Article VI, Section 606 of the UNAC/UHCP Constitution,

No member shall be eligible for nomination or election to a State Association office or Board of Directors unless the person:

  1. Is a member in good standing who has fulfilled the requirements for membership and who has not voluntarily withdrawn nor been expelled or suspended by the union for a period of two (2) years immediately preceding the election;
  2. Has practiced the profession of nursing, or is a healthcare professional, or is a healthcare employee, engaged in healthcare services for at least three (3) years;
  3. Has been a member of any UNAC/UHCP Affiliate or Chapter for at least two (2) years; and
  4. Is not a member in a bargaining unit represented exclusively by another labor organization (except United Nurses Staff Union). Even if a member is otherwise eligible for nomination or election, the member is ineligible to seek or hold a State Association office when the member is in a bargaining unit represented exclusively by another labor organization, other than UNAC/UHCP or an Affiliate or Chapter.
  5. No person who is or has been defined in Section 504 of the Labor‐Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959.
UNAC/UHCP Executive Vice President nominees
Peter Sidhu


UNAC/UHCP Treasurer nominees
Moises Alarcon


UNAC/UHCP Board of Directors nominees
Loan Nguyen
Nicole Lam
Stella Terrell
Belinda Redding
Shanti Malladi
Michael Sison
Semanu Mawugbe
Jennifer Colcol-Marquez
Tosharra Sherman
Johanna Noriega
Bert Kwok
Edwin Guadardo
Kadi Gonzalez
Vycki Huynh