2020/2021 UPHI Local Bargaining



April 28, 2021
In negotations through March and April, we reached three new tentative agreements on scheduling, bargaining unit work, and membership.

February 23, 2021
At the table over two weeks, we reached a tentative agreement on reduction in force.

January 21, 2021
Over the past three sessions, we’ve discussed our comprehensive proposal and opened a discussion on scheduling.

January 10, 2021
Our bargaining team presented a comprehensive contract proposal on January 6-7 in negotiations. During the holiday season, our bargaining team worked tirelessly to develop a proposal that respects our service and addresses top priorities such as economics, benefits, overtime and education.

October 24, 2020
Our bargaining team had intense discussions around reduction in force language, bargaining unit work and economics.

October 6, 2020
Our bargaining sessions on September 29 and October 2 focused on negotiations toward an agreement on bargaining unit work and introduced new proposals on education, leaves of absence, and hours of work and overtime.

September 10, 2020
Our bargaining team continued to have tough conversations with management regarding workplace improvements and have also added new bargaining dates to the calendar for October.

August 21, 2020
Our bargaining sessions from August 18-20 resulted in a tentative agreement on job postings and filling of vacancies.

August 17, 2020
Bargaining from August 11-13 involved intense discussion around filling of vacancies.

August 3, 2020
Our UPHI bargaining team met again with KP management and reached tentative agreements on corrective action and the grievance process.

July 10, 2020
We shared several proposals and reached a Tentative Agreement on patient advocacy, which secures a strong voice for members to have a say in topics such as workload, staffing level and access.

June 25, 2020
In March 2020, we took a break from in-person bargaining in order to deal with the incoming COVID-19 pandemic. As we return to bargaining, we now have an even stronger team heading up our negotiations.

Local bargaining for UPHI will continue through August.