The PEOPLE program is AFSCME’s bipartisan political action fund that serves as an engine to advance the union’s legislative goals.

As an affiliate of AFSCME, UNAC/UHCP members benefit from and contribute to the growth of this vital program, which provides the resources necessary to support our collective efforts to address the issues that impact us at work. Through PEOPLE, AFSCME engages in the political process by funding strategic member-to-member communications, grassroots lobbying, and voter mobilization efforts.

In addition to issue advocacy, PEOPLE contributions are also directed to pro-union candidates, elected officials, and issue campaigns nationwide. As a labor union, UNAC/UHCP has an obligation to endorse political candidates and support elected officials that will serve in our members’ best interest when it comes to the issues that impact their profession and the health care industry. Our support is determined by our member-driven Political Endorsement Committee, which meets regularly during election years to inform and interview prospective candidates and elected officials about our issues as healthcare professionals. Ultimately, the Political Endorsement Committee’s recommendation to endorse a candidate is based on their platform and voting record as it pertains to workers’ rights and workplace protections—not their party affiliation.

View Our 2024 General Election Endorsements and Recommendations