The deadline to submit your nomination is 11:59pm (HST) Friday, October 1, 2021
If you are interested in submitting a self-nomination or nominating another member of your Chapter for an open Chapter Representative position, click on the link below. The nomination must be within your own Chapter. Both a nominee and a nominator are required to be a member in good standing. (To be in good standing, a member must be a full dues-paying member and dues must be current. Length of membership must comply with the Chapter By-Laws).
If you are nominating another member please complete as much information as possible. This will assist UNAC/UHCP in verifying that the member is eligible to run for office. If you are nominating another member, please include the personal email address of the member, if possible, so that they may also receive confirmation of the nomination. If an email address is not available please inform the member of the nomination.
You may contact the UNAC/UHCP state office at (909) 599-8622 or email election@unacuhcp.org to request a hard copy of the nomination form if you do not have access to the UNAC/UHCP website.
All nominees will be posted (in alphabetical order) at UNACUHCP.ORG/AOE2021 no later than 5:00pm (HST) on Monday, October 4, 2021. Nominees who decline the nomination or are determined to be ineligible to run for office will not appear on the ballot.
Chapter Nomination Form