It’s time to vote to join UNAC/UHCP!

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See the full contract comparison

NUHW contracts don't compare to what UNAC/UHCP members have won. Learn more about what the power of 24,000-strong at Kaiser Permanente can help you achieve as part of UNAC/UHCP.
See for yourself

Health care professionals are second-class citizens in NUHW and undervalued at Kaiser Permanente. Our health care professional colleagues who are represented by UNAC/UHCP have continually make strides in their contract. The longer we wait, the more we give up. We can’t afford to waste another 12 years on lost wages, fruitless strikes, and takeaways with NUHW.


📆 June 24: Ballots mailed
📆 July 19: Ballot deadline & vote count (Your ballot must be received at the NLRB mailbox by 10:00 AM)

If you have not received your ballot by July 1, please contact the NLRB.


1. Mark an “X” in the “United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals” (UNAC/UHCP) box.

2. Put your ballot in the blue envelope and seal the envelope.
❌ Do not write or sign on this inner envelope.

3. Put the blue envelope inside the yellow envelope. Seal the envelope.

4. Sign the back of the yellow envelope. Mail the ballot immediately. No postage necessary.
‼ 👉 Sign the back of the yellow envelope. 👈 If you do not sign the back of the envelope, your ballot will be void and your vote WILL NOT be counted.

5. Mail the ballot immediately. No postage necessary.


The Wage Difference: Audiologists

Audiologists: get the facts on our contract vs. coworkers in UNAC/UHCP.
📄 View the comparison (PDF)

The Wage Difference: Dietitians and Health Educators

Dietitians and health educators: get the facts on our contract vs. coworkers in UNAC/UHCP.
📄 View the comparison (PDF)

The Wage Difference: Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-language pathologists: get the facts on our contract vs. coworkers in UNAC/UHCP.
📄 View the comparison (PDF)

UNAC/UHCP Members Share Their Stories

Our first UNAC/UHCP contract had the pieces of our old contract we wanted to keep—plus a host of new language that strengthened our ability to direct patient care as we see fit.

UNAC/UHCP Pharmacist Christine Suh

Kaiser Permanente optometrists are much better off today than prior to joining UNAC/UHCP, both financially and in terms of control of our working conditions.

UNAC/UHCP Optometrist David Huang

UNAC/UHCP is powerful because it is a union of health care professionals for health care professionals.

UNAC/UHCP Physical Therapist David Sereni

When we ratified our first contract in 2012, we felt the support of the entire UNAC/UHCP membership back then, and we’ll show the same level of support for you. Kaiser will see the power you have with UNAC/UHCP.

UNAC/UHCP Case Manager Liza Ventura