STRIKE VOTE: Friday, October 1, 12:01 a.m. PT – Sunday, October 10, 11:59 p.m. PT
An informational postcard has been mailed to every member’s home
How to vote starting on October 1
You should have received an email and/or text message at 12:01 a.m. PDT on October 1 with your voting access key and a direct link to vote.
To vote by EMAIL:
Find your personal email from UNAC/UHCP sent through Election Buddy with subject line: Vote now: UNAC/UHCP – Strike Authorization Vote; UNAC/UHCP (KP SCAL affiliates)
Open your email and review the information
Click on the direct link to vote that contains your unique 16-digit access key
Vote, review your entry and click submit
You will receive a verification immediately
To vote by TEXT:
Open your text messages and find the ballot notification
Click on the direct link to vote that contains your unique 16-digit access key
Vote, review your entry and click submit
You will receive a verification immediately
If you need help to vote: Email
Email if you did not receive an access key
UNAC/UHCP members who do not have an email address or mobile phone number on file will go directly to to vote; enter your unique access key to view the ballot (contact for assistance)
Additional Resources
Online strike vote HQ with voting information and fact sheets:
Get the Facts: An overview of Kaiser Permanente’s economic proposal
Read the full contract proposal comparison compiled by the Alliance of Health Care Unions
Answers to frequently asked questions about a potential strike (download and print for reference) like the following
Q. What Can I Do To Prepare For A Strike?
The more visible actions we take together leading up to a strike, the more likely we are to win the contract we deserve without having to strike.
View media coverage from the campaign to learn more about what’s at stake
Five facts about Kaiser Permanente’s finances (via the Alliance)
Follow @unacuhcp on social media for the latest news