Statement Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza

Released: February 2, 2024

UNAC/UHCP statement calling for ceasefire in Gaza:

We express our solidarity with the innocent civilians trapped in the turmoil of conflict in the Gaza region, where individuals on both sides have experienced profound losses, including the deaths of loved ones. We urgently appeal for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the establishment of a ceasefire by all parties involved.

Our union is committed to the belief that no individual should endure the hardships of famine, disease, or lack of access to basic necessities such as shelter and medical care. We share in the sorrow of our members from, or with family ties to, both Palestine and Israel, who have been directly affected by the conflict.

As professionals in the healthcare sector, it is our duty to support the well-being and safety of all healthcare and aid workers in Gaza, including nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and others who risk their lives daily.

We also strongly advocate for the prompt allowance of urgently needed aid vehicles into the region to deliver essential supplies, food, and medical assistance to those displaced by the conflict.

It is our collective responsibility to champion the cause of humanity and work toward the immediate end to this conflict.
