Sign the petition below to stand in solidarity with the four RNs and five other health care workers at St. Francis Medical Center and call on Prime Healthcare to immediately reverse their unjust terminations and reinstate all nine to their previous positions. This fight requires all our support!
We demand that Prime Healthcare reinstate the four registered nurses and five other frontline health care workers they fired in violation of labor law from St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, CA.
Prime Healthcare terminated all nine employees during the winter holidays after they served a petition demanding safe staffing during a lawful rally attended by UNAC/UHCP and SEIU-UHW members at Prime headquarters.
At a time when health care workers are leaving the field at record rates and facing persistent challenges to ensure safe staffing and working conditions, it is alarming that Prime Healthcare terminated nine experienced health care workers with deep roots in the community they serve.
Each of them faced risks to their own health and made tremendous personal sacrifices to care for patients through an unprecedented global pandemic. In addition to being excellent frontline health care workers, all were member leaders on their union contract bargaining teams or vocal supporters. We believe they were targeted by management to scare other RNs and frontline health care workers to silence them from speaking out.
Firing brave, experienced health care workers who called out unsafe patient care practices and working conditions is both irresponsible and a threat to the safety patients in our community.