“I have seen how our UNAC/UHCP representative’s presence and support has resolved situations to improve patient care and address workplace concerns. The union is our mediator…our protection.”
I’ve been at Garden Grove Hospital now for ten years. I love the family-centered care we provide to our patients. When I started here in 2000, I instantly saw the commitment of my fellow nurses. We are like family, not just the nursing staff, but frequently also the patients we serve and their families. We have grown together over the years through- out the many changes we have experienced at Garden Grove.
I love nursing. My mom was a tremendous influence on me – she’s a labor and delivery nurse. She always amazed me. She sparked my interest in caring for people, which was a major reason for my career choice. Over the years, my commitment to nursing has grown as I have noticed the benefits of caring for our patients and their families together as a unit. It truly makes a difference in their lives.
As soon as I began working as a nurse, I became a union activist. I think it is extremely important to have a mediator between nursing staff and upper management. Many nurses are afraid to speak up out of fear of losing their jobs or creating turmoil in the workplace. Plus, management doesn’t necessarily have firsthand knowledge about how administrative decisions impact the nursing practice at the bedside. That’s why it is essential to have a union representative mediating between you and management to help resolve workplace and patient care issues in a mutually constructive way.
Management can create a better working environment by listening to the people who work for them. I have seen how our UNAC/UHCP representative’s presence and support has resolved situations to improve patient care and address workplace concerns. The union is our mediator…our protection.
Every single person who works in our hospital is a leader in his or her own way. Being a leader means that you help bring about positive change in the workplace. The only way to make positive change is to have a voice. Having UNAC/ UHCP at Garden Grove gives us an excellent resource to help us address any issues that directly impact our profession, and ensures that we have the voice we need to make invaluable contributions to improving how we provide patient care.