PSP 2025


What is the PSP?  

Performance-sharing bonuses are over and above base wage rates and will be based on mutually agreed-to performance factors and targets. The PSP provides an annual cash bonus opportunity based upon regional or functional area performance in the areas of quality, affordability, service, workplace safety, and attendance.  

Most Kaiser Permanente employees who are covered under the National Agreement participate in the PSP: This includes full-time, part-time, short-hour, casual, on-call, and per diem employees. Northern California UTNC members receive the R4R.



What are the bonuses for 2025? 

  • Hawaii region: $835, paid on March 7, 2025
  • Southern California payouts vary, paid on March 7, 2025
Location PSP Bonus Location PSP Bonus
KFH ANH $4,668.97 SCPMG AV $4,916.08
KFH AV $4,239.66 SCPMG BPK $4,994.86
KFH BPK $4,786.28 SCPMG DOW $4,887.96
KFH CSC $3,810.00 SCPMG FON $4,479.48
KFH DOW $4,394.10 SCPMG KRN $4,529.45
KFH FON $4,150.81 SCPMG MLA $4,948.35
KFH IRV $5,007.01 SCPMG MV $5,012.56
KFH KRN $3,810.00 SCPMG ORC $5,098.63
KFH MLA $4,569.71 SCPMG PAN $4,821.33
KFH MV $5,098.63 SCPMG REGLAB $5,021.24
KFH ONT $4,200.10 SCPMG REGOPS $5,021.24
KFH PAN $4,123.74 SCPMG RIV $4,583.25
KFH REGLAB $4,239.66 SCPMG SBA $5,013.25
KFH REGOPS $4,239.66 SCPMG SDS $5,098.63
KFH RIV $4,570.06 SCPMG WHL $5,013.25
KFH SBA $4,641.21 SCPMG WLA $4,625.94
KFH SDS $4,497.18
KFH SM $4,668.97
KFH WHL $4,211.55
KFH WLA $3,810.00
KFH ZON $4,239.66


Eligibility and other PSP information

  • Most Kaiser Permanente employees covered under this Agreement shall  participate in the LMP PSP. This includes full-time, part-time, short-hour, casual, on-call, and per diem employees.
  • Per the National Agreement, Employees must be in job classifications covered by this Agreement during the program year and be active on December 31 to receive a payment; however, employees who retire during the program year or prior to the payment date or transfer to another Kaiser Permanente job classification not covered under this Agreement shall receive a prorated payment based upon compensated hours attained during the program year in a job classification covered under the Partnership.
  • Payouts will be made in the form of lump-sum bonuses proportional to the compensated hours of each employee; however, employees with 1,800 compensated hours or more in the program year shall be considered full-time employees for the purposes of the PSP and have their hours capped at 1,800 hours. Employees with compensated hours less than 1,800 hours shall receive a bonus pro-rated for compensated hours.