UNAC/UHCP Convention Delegate Information

Please take note of the following Updates:

Cheryl R. Walker, OT was elected by the Executive Council on July 20, 2024, to fill the vacated 2-Year Board of Director (BOD) Seat. Per the UNAC/UHCP Constitution, a special BOD election was conducted to fill this position.

  • UNAC/UHCP Constitution, Article 7, SECTION 703, when either a temporary or permanent vacancy occurs in the Directors between Conventions, the Executive Council shall elect a member of the elected Executive Council members to fill such vacancy until the term expires. The Executive Council shall have the power to determine how the election of a member to fill the Director(s) position shall be conducted. The Executive Council shall designate a member of the Executive Council to serve as chairperson to coordinate the election process.

Therefore, the UNAC/UHCP 2-Year Board seat will not be up for election at the 2024 UNAC/UHCP State Convention. As previously stated in the Call to Convention letter, the five (5), 4-year term positions will be open for election. Additional information regarding the BOD and State Officer election will be available on our Election website (https://unacuhcp.org/unionelections) and a future communication will be sent to the membership.

We also want to update all UNAC/UHCP Convention Delegates and attendees regarding changes in the convention program, the Welcome Reception will now be held on Monday evening, October 7, 2024. There will also be a First Time Delegate orientation on Sunday, October 6, 2024, followed by an Estate Planning workshop. You will be able to register for one or both during the convention registration process; we will notify all delegates when the registration process goes live.

Finally, the UNAC/UHCP Convention Delegate Ballot instructions include details on the covered costs for the Convention. As a member representing your Affiliate/Chapter as a delegate to the UNAC/UHCP convention, you will fall under your member-approved local governance; please take a look at your local financial policy, and if you have questions, follow up with your local officers. UNAC/UHCP does not cover your Affiliate/Chapter expenses; each Affiliate/Chapter is responsible for the financial aspects of attending the UNAC/UHCP Convention. Convention Delegates will receive an Employee Release letter so that they can be excused from their duties. It’s important to submit for time off now requesting time as bargained in your contract – e.g., PTO, education time, vacation, etc., as lost wages/compensation will not be reimbursed by UNAC/UHCP. All meals will be covered and a per diem will not be provided. Again, please follow up with your Affiliate/Chapter leadership for expenses covered by your local.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our your local leadership or the Election Team via email at election@unacuhcp.org

The UNAC/UHCP Election Team