Category Archive: Uncategorized

SPNN Bargaining #2: July 21, 2022

Sharp Nurses Show Unity at the Table Long before the COVID-19 outbreak, Sharp and other hospitals were warned about nurse shortages. As COVID cases climb, Sharp nurses are again rising to heroic levels—even as management downplays and ignores the current crisis. At bargaining on Thursday,… Read More

SPNN Bargaining #3: July 28, 2022

Sharp Nurses Testify To Pain of the Pandemic Today, management heard the truth of nursing at Sharp. Every single RN union officer gave testimony about what they and their coworkers experienced during the pandemic—in answer to management’s unprecedented level of disrespect to nurses during these negotiations. Read More

SPNN Bargaining #4: August 3, 2022

Invest in Us: Improve Standards at Our Hospitals to Attract and Retain Registered Nurses We have been clear to management – they need to invest in us, the frontline staff that cares for our community. Our proposals to raise standards to the level of other unionized… Read More